As is typical for this time of year, Canadian Lakeview Estates is experiencing a significantly higher demand for potable water. To safeguard our water supply for essential uses, the following restrictions are in effect.
Outdoor Irrigation
The watering of lawns and gardens represents one of our single biggest uses of water, so reducing this activity can go a long way to lowering overall consumption. Please keep in mind, most lawns, shrubs, and trees only need to be watered once a week.
Drip Irrigation &
Hand Watering
6 am to 10 am
midnight to 6 am
Drip irrigation systems and use of a watering can or hose with spring-loaded nozzle can be done anytime.
7 pm to midnight
EVEN numbered addresses may water only on Wednesday and Friday
ODD numbered addresses may water only on Tuesday and Thursday
NO WATERING on Mondays
Each non-compliance will result in a $50 fine
We greatly appreciate your help in ensuring we all enjoy a happy and healthy summer. We’ll provide updates as the situation evolves.