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A summer of first steps

Jul 17, 2020

It feels as if summer weather is providing a welcome respite from uncertain times, but it’s also showing us we can’t let our guard down in the fight against this pandemic.

At Corix, we’ve begun taking some cautious first steps in a desired return to normal. They’re designed to ensure you continue to receive safe and reliable water, wastewater, and energy essential services, and our communities stay safe.

First steps to reopening

In March, our COVID-19 Incident Command Team (ICT) put in place comprehensive polices and protocols governing office closures, remote work, physical distancing, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). These measures, among others, are under constant review as we evaluate reopening and a return to more normal operations.

The ICT, with guidance from public health authorities, have determined only a small number of our North American operations currently meet the stringent criteria for reopening. And where reopening does occur, it will be done carefully and methodically. As all our systems continue to function normally, we’re confident these first steps are the right ones.

First steps toward normal business

We were among the first utilities to suspend and reverse service disconnections, and suspend late fees. But as efforts to reopen the economy move forward, some regulators are allowing and encouraging utilities to return to established billing and disconnection policies, while ensuring temporary billing assistance is available for customers financially impacted by COVID-19.

For the moment, we continue to suspend disconnections and late fees, but we encourage all customers to stay current with payments as much as possible, as unpaid balances may be harder to manage down the road.

We also appreciate the pandemic is creating financial challenges for many households. To that end, Corix is offering Deferred Payment Arrangements, and other financial assistance, to affected customers. Please contact Corix Customer Care for more information about these programs, or any questions regarding your services.

Please help us stay safe

email-graphics-03Our maintenance activities continue to function normally, so you may see our field staff working in your community. Please do your part to help them stay safe.

Patty Potty speaks her mind about “flushable” wipes

patty-potty-video-linkWatch this short video from Patty Potty to see what happens to wipes in your pipes.

At the Corix Group of Companies, we’re taking appropriate, science-based actions to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. We’re committed to efforts to control this pandemic and implore you do your part as well. For more information, please contact Customer Care.

Thank you.

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