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Panorama Service Interruptions and Boil Water Advisory

Oct 09, 2020

Corix Utilities is in the final stages of the Panorama Groundwater Source Development Project, which involves disconnecting the old reservoir and treatment plant from the distribution system.

This work is scheduled for Thursday, October 15th, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, and will result in water service interruptions during the day – ranging from intermittent drops in pressure to a total loss of water pressure. While our crews will do everything possible to mitigate these disruptions, there is no way to avoid them entirely.


Following this work, a Boil Water Advisory will be in place, as required by the Interior Health Authority. This is a precautionary requirement whenever major maintenance work is done on a water system, as the possibility of contaminants entering the system is increased. We don’t expect this Advisory to be in place more than a few days and will advise residents when it has been rescinded.

We truly appreciate your cooperation and patience as we work to maintain the safety and reliability of your water system.

Precautions During a Boil Water Advisory

During a Boil Water Advisory, tap water used for the following purposes should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one (1) minute prior to use.

  • Drinking and ice cubes
  • Liquids or food (e.g. tea or soup) that will not be boiled for at least one (1) minute
  • Washing fruits and vegetables being eaten raw
  • Brushing teeth or cleaning dental and medical appliances
  • Bathing infants

Adults, adolescents, and older children may shower, bathe, or wash using tap water, but should avoid swallowing water. It’s recommended to sponge bathe infants if using tap water. Tap water may be used for dishes washed by machine but add bleach to water used for dishes washed by hand. Water used for other household purposes does not need to be boiled.

This Advisory will be rescinded once the water has been demonstrated safe to drink. Please check this News and Service Notices page for updates.

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