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An update on your water, wastewater, and energy services

Mar 25, 2020

Unprecedented would seem to sum up what we’re all feeling and dealing with each day of the COVID-19 crisis. And each day at the Corix Group of Companies our commitment to providing you with essential water, wastewater, and energy services remains unwavering.

Among all the moving pieces, we’d like to provide you with an update of our activities, and some tips to help us all get through this together.

We are fully operational

workman icon smOur plant and field employees are performing their duties and necessary maintenance to ensure our systems are functioning normally. All our administrative and customer support staff are working remotely.

The safety of your water system

water faucet icon smAccording to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 is NOT transmitted through drinking water or sewage; and North American water treatment protocols are highly effective against biological pathogens. All our systems adhere to these strict protocols.

For more information, please read this statement from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Protecting customers and employees

Our COVID-19 Incident Command Task Force has mandated the following company-wide measures.

  • Social Distancing
    Our staff are practicing mandatory Social Distancing (min. 6ft/2m) during essential only customer visits. Please do the same should you see one of our employees or contractors working in your neighborhood.
  • Water Meter Reads
    We continue to read meters located outside, however; our staff will not enter customer homes unless absolutely necessary. As such, meter reads may not occur as scheduled in some areas.
  • Disconnections and Late Fees
    We have suspended disconnections and late fees until further notice.
  • Customer Support
    Our customer support staff are on duty. You may experience longer hold times, and we appreciate your patience.
  • Office Closures
    All staff are working remotely, with offices closed until further notice. For deliveries, please call/email for arrangements.

No wipes in the pipes please

pattypotty smThis crisis is testing many of the systems we rely on – even those as mundane as our toilets.

The huge spike in sales of so-called “flushable” wipes and sanitary products is renewing calls to keep these products from going down toilets and clogging up sewer systems. And as Patty Potty knows, NOBODY likes a clogged toilet. So, if “No Wipes in the Pipes” doesn’t grab you, how about the 3Ps of Flushing?

Pee. Poo. Paper.
(Toilet Paper that is!)

At the Corix Group of Companies, we’re taking appropriate, science-based actions to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.

We’re committed to this unprecedented global effort and implore you do your part as well.

Thank you.

Our thanks to the Save Water Texas Coalition and their outstanding Patty Potty campaign.

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