About Bluestem Utilities & Sun Rivers

service icon customer careBluestem Utilities operates and maintains the following services for the Sun Rivers community.

  • Potable and Irrigation Water
    On-site storage and distribution of water obtained from the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc water treatment plant. This consists of filtered and treated domestic potable water, and untreated water for outdoor irrigation through separate water mains.
  • Wastewater (Sewer)
    Effluent collection through sewer mains, then treated at the wastewater treatment plant through a service agreement with the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc.
  • Energy and GeoExchange
    Residential and commercial buildings heated and cooled utilizing GeoExchange energy in addition to electricity and natural gas purchased from BC Hydro and FortisBC, respectively.
  • Municipal Services
    Snow removal from roadways, maintenance of roads, boulevards, street lights, fire hydrants and storm sewers.