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Snow Removal Reminders

Dec 23, 2020

Our snow removal contractors have instructions to clear roadways of snow and ice in a timely fashion, and in the most efficient and effective manner possible. As such, snow will be plowed from the center of the lane to the curb with respect to the flow of traffic – similar to other municipalities, such as the City of Kamloops.

Service Levels

Crews will focus on arterial roads first, as they have the highest volume of traffic and need to be kept clear for emergency vehicles. Roads with steep grades will also be given priority consideration, and these are:

  • Sun Rivers Drive
  • Sun Rivers Drive West
  • Rosewood Drive
  • Ironwood Drive
  • Visao Terrace
  • Canyon Ridge Drive
  • Sillaro Drive
  • Trillium Drive

Remaining roads will be of secondary priority, and will be cleared of snow once arterials and the above mentioned are clear.

Clearing Snow from Driveways

We recommend waiting until the plows have finished plowing your street before clearing your driveway.

Please pile snow on the left side of your driveway (when facing your property). This will allow you to see oncoming traffic, and when the roadway is plowed again, your shoveled piles won't be pushed back into your driveway.

Pushing snow from your driveway into the roadway is NOT permitted as it can create a serious hazard for other motorists.

Driving Safety

Make sure to adjust your driving to weather conditions, and remember, the posted speed limit in Sun Rivers is 30 km/hr.

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